
What should an ADD Child's Diet Consist of?

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) can be battled from many directions. Drugs, behavior modification, nutrition, and exercise are among the various means with which professionals combat ADD in children. Good nutrition is a vital part of children's health, whether they have ADD or not. But in a child with ADD, proper nutrition is critical. In the initial stages of ADD, taking nutritional supplements is an alternative to treatment.

A low blood sugar level (glucose level) is one of the main causes of ADD in children. This condition makes children drowsy in class and restless when they are bored. Children with glucose deficiencies suffer a shorter inattentive phase. You can maintain your child's blood sugar level by making glucose part of his breakfast, the most important meal of the day as far as children are concerned.

For an ADD child, vitamin B is important as it helps to free the energy in glucose. A deficiency of vitamin B in the diet makes a child aggressive and depressed. A child may not get all varieties of vitamin B (there are 12 essential parts to vitamin B) from his normal diet. A good multivitamin capsule can be used to supplement normal food. Cereal is also a good source of vitamin B. Iron is an essential mineral as it helps in transporting oxygen to the cells (primarily, brain cells) through the blood system. Iron deficiency leads to anemia. Folic acid is essential for the formation of red and white blood cells. Without the proper amount of folic acid in the body, a child feels tired, irritable, and forgetful. Folic acid is obtained from vegetables and fruits. Zinc deficiencies also cause ADD symptoms. A lack of a sufficient amount of zinc makes a child feel dizzy and depressed. Cereals and peanuts are good sources of zinc.

Attention Deficit Disorder provides detailed information on Attention Deficit Disorder, Adult Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder Tests and more. Attention Deficit Disorder is affiliated with Children with ADHD.

Attention Deficit Disorder Diet

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is Not Related to I.Q.

It's important to know that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Intelligence, as measured by I.Q., are two different things.

Some parents are convinced that if their child has ADD it means that they are retarded. On the other hand, other parents say, "I've heard that ADD kids are really very, very bright. I think my child must have ADD," as if they wanted to wear a button that said, "My child is smarter than your child because he has ADD." Both of these points of view are unfortunate, and are based on bad information.

Intelligence falls into a Bell Curve, even for those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Some Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder kids are below average I.Q., and some are even retarded. Other ADD ADHD kids are above average I.Q., and some are even quite brilliant. But the awful truth for a parent to hear is that MOST children (about 2 out of 3) are AVERAGE I.Q. That's why they call it "average." And most Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder kids have average I.Q. as well.

Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder just have a very tough time in the classroom setting. We tend to see lower academic achievement than we would predict based on the child's I.Q. If they are really smart and they ought to be A students, we are disappointed when they're getting C's instead. If they ought to be B students, they're getting D's instead. Their school performance is disappointing, but it may not be due to a lack of intelligence.

The ADHD Information Library has six web sites with information to help children and teens with Attention Deficit Disorder be more successful in school, at home, and in life. At our site dedicated to helping children and teens succeed in the classroom you will find over 500 classroom interventions for teachers and parents to use. Visit ADDinSchool.com and look around for four or five suggestions to help your child succeed.

Douglas Cowan, Psy.D., is a family therapist who has been working with ADHD children and their families since 1986. He is the clinical director of the ADHD Information Library's family of seven web sites, including http://www.newideas.net, helping over 350,000 parents and teachers learn more about ADHD each year. Dr. Cowan also serves on the Medical Advisory Board of VAXA International of Tampa, FL., is President of the Board of Directors for KAXL 88.3 FM in central California, and is President of NewIdeas.net Incorporated.

ADD Without Hyperactivity

ADD Without Hyperactivity

This excellent article deals with some crucial differences between ADD and ADHD. A worthwhile read as it clears up some important misconceptions about ADD symptoms.

There is one thing I disagree with, though. At the end of the article, drug therapy is presented as the solution. There are far more effective solutions, such as brainwave entrainment which heals the underlying cause of ADD instead of just treating the symptoms.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) & Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) - Other Contributing Factors.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) &
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) -
Other Contributing Factors to the development or worsening of symptoms -Part 2

Lack of exercise: Exercise increase the blood flow to the brain. Kids who lack the exercise they need are more likely to develop ADHD like symptoms. Our bodies are built to move, not to sit still everyday.

Psychological Factors: This is one factor that is grossly underestimated as a contributing factor to the development and worsening of ADD & ADHD. Physical and emotional abuse, lack of affection, touch, nuturing & stimulation (especially as a child) cause a rush of stress hormones to be released. These act as chemicals that poison the child's brain.

Some Causes of ADD and ADHD

Some Causes of ADD and ADHD

Attention Deficit Disorder is a condition that is shrouded in confusion, old wives tales and misinformation.

1. Genetics - ADD is often inherited from either the parent or grandparent as many other
2. Head injury, especially to the left side of the brain. Keep in mind that this doesn't have to be a serious injury to have an adverse effect.
3. Toxic exposure- Brain infections such as meningitis or encephilitis cause a toxic inflammation of the brain and damage the tissue.

4. Substance abuse during pregnancy - If the mother smoked, drank or abused drugs in pregnancy her child could develop ADD or ADHD.

5. Oxygen deprivation during birth or afterward. A cord being wrapped around the baby's neck or a near drowning or any incident in which the oxygen supply is cut off to the brain can cause damage and lead to ADD or ADHD.

In the next blog post we will look at some other factors that could lead to ADD or ADHD.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) & Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) - The 4 telltale clues that you have to know to prevent misdiagnosing

THE TRUTH ABOUT ADD - The Core Symptoms you need to know about to prevent misdiagnosis -

This is the first in a series of posts that will discuss the core symptoms of all types of ADD/ADHD. If you've ever wondered if you or a loved one has ADD/ADHD this is one series of blog posts you have to read.

There are six different types of ADD according to Daniel G. Amen author of Healing ADD. However there are a few core symptoms that are common to all types of ADD:

1. A short attention span for routine tasks. ADD or ADHD sufferers can pay attention to things that interest them personally, but boring, routine tasks such as schoolwork, homework and chores won't hold their attention for very long.

2. They are Disorganized - Taking a peek at the closet, closet and possessions of a child and you'll get a good clue as to whether the child suffers from ADD or not. Their closets are like a jumble sale and their rooms look like an explosion took place.

3. ADD/ADHD children have a hard time following through and completing the tasks that they have begun.

4. ADD or ADHD children have poor impulse control. A child with ADD will leap now and look later. They live in the moment with no thought for the future.

All of these symptoms exist over a prolonged period of time and often show from an early age, although in some cases the symptoms don't show until the child starts school.

Despite the type of ADD or ADHD your child has these core symptoms will be present. If your child displays any of these core symptoms there is a strong likelihood that your child has ADD or ADHD. If this is the case it is advisable to have your child evaluated by a competent professional.

Another important thing to do is to educate yourself about ADD and the best way to do that is by reading. Amazon has literally hundreds of books on ADD/ADHD. Choose a few that appeal to you and start reading. In later blog posts I will be reviewing some excellent books on ADD.

If your child has the core symptoms of ADD or ADHD and you would like to know exactly what type of ADD or ADHD your child has, go to http://www.maximindpower.com/add/optin.html

and get the pencil and paper diagnostic test that professionals use for FREE.