
What Causes ADD & ADHD?

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is considered to be a neurological disorder that manifests in childhood. Symptoms of ADHD may include inattentiveness and increased distractibility, as well as high energy and hyperactivity. When only distractibility and inattentiveness are manifested, the disorder is referred to as Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD. With the rising number of reported cases of ADD, research is consistently being conducted in understanding the disorder, as well as exploring the link between attention deficit disorder and nutrition.

ADD symptoms are classified into two main groups: inattentiveness and hyperactive-impulsive behavior. Inattentiveness is manifested most explicitly in school, where ADD children have a hard time following instructions, concentrating on their work, keeping their work error-free, and even finishing it. They will often avoid difficult schoolwork, and will sometimes lose important school items such as books or pens. ADD children can appear inattentive if they are spoken to. If people with ADD do strike up a conversation, they can speak excessively, only to break off the conversation abruptly as they are distracted by something that catches their fancy.

People with ADD can also be forgetful, and they may find it hard to sleep, due to the many, varied thoughts they have at night. They may also be easily frustrated, and may exhibit emotional outbursts frequently. Although hyperactive-impulsive behavior is more characteristic of those who suffer from ADHD, there are a few habits that ADD persons may have, such as occasional fidgeting or talkativeness.

Thanks to much research, there are now therapies and medications available to treat ADD and ADHD. Research is still being conducted in the field of attention deficit disorder and nutrition links, although changing diets is often recommended as an alternative, if not experimental treatment. In the early years of studies seeking to find the link between attention deficit disorder and nutrition, research proposed diets that excluded stimulants, such as coffee, tea, or sugar. Other studies proposed diets that removed allergenic foods from meals, such as eggs, milk, and wheat. Despite these findings, no study has yet shown a conclusive link between diets and improved ADD symptoms.

Research still does show, however, that ADD and ADHD children have differences in their metabolism compared with non-ADD and non-ADHD children. For instance, Neil Ward, a chemist from the United Kingdom, showed in 1990 that ADHD children lost zinc quickly when they took tartrazine. Other studies suggested that lack of omega-3 fatty acids could trigger ADHD development. Despite these and other findings, a concrete link between attention deficit disorder and nutrition has yet to be established, although the research is often used as the basis for supplementary diets in addition to existing medication and therapy techniques.

A popular supplementary diet is the Feingold diet, where artificial flavors and colors, such as salicylates and preservatives, are removed from an ADD or ADHD person’s diet. Another school of thought on the link between attention deficit disorder and nutrition dictates that a balanced diet is essential for the proper health and nutrition of any person, whether with ADD, ADHD, or any other disorder. Scientists have therefore taken middle ground in the debate: no diet has yet been approved for ADD or ADHD treatment, and any diet proposed to patients must always be used in conjunction with therapy and medication.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nathalie_Fiset

Is It Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Just Boy Behavior?

Have you ever wondered if your son had A.

Is It Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Just Boy Behavior?

It has been suggested to you that your son may be suffering from attention deficit. This information has come to you via a teacher or a child care worker or family member or maybe it has crept into your own mind without any suggestion from anyone. You struggle with the idea and you wonder, is it really attention deficit or is he just being an active boy. After all, the symptoms of attention deficit and the normal behavior of boys can look remarkably alike. They are distractible, don’t stay focused on one thing for very long, can be impulsive, are forgetful (except for details of video games!) don’t listen for directions and are constantly moving. Sound like your boy?

The diagnosis of ADHD has increased tremendously over the past three decades, if the prescription of medication to treat the disorder is any indication. In the years between 1987 and 1996 there was a 600% increase in the prescription of medication for the treatment of ADHD. (the increase in the prescriptions was for children enrolled in HMOs, during that same period there was only a 17% increase in enrollment in the HMOs). This is a staggering increase in the diagnosis of ADHD, add to this that boys are three times more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than are girls and the question of if this is boy behavior or ADHD is a significant one.

The only way to really tell the difference between the two is a very thorough diagnosis. Unfortunately, between the pressures on teachers and classrooms and the busy health care practitioner there can be a rush to diagnose a child with ADHD simply by looking at the diagnostic criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual Fourth Edition (DSM IV) and declare a child to be indeed ADHD, particularly if his behavior and academic performance is suffering. One study in Australia showed that three fourths of the children diagnosed with ADHD had been improperly diagnosed (Australia has the highest use of psychostimulants for ADHD in children).

Fortunately, most experts agree that there is a way to accurately diagnose ADHD but they are also quick to point out that there are a number of disorders in children that can present like ADHD. Some of these disorders are depression, anxiety, learning disabilities among others. It is also possible that what looks like ADHD simply is immaturity due to the fact that the maturity rate among boys varies significantly from boy to boy, particularly compared to girls. If you suspect that there may be a problem with ADHD, make sure that you are getting a good assessment, remembering that ADHD is what is called a “rule out” disorder. A rule out disorder is one that is diagnosed partially by ruling out other, more readily identifiable disorders.

The diagnosis of ADHD is done usually by comparing your son’s behavior with boys his own age. Even within this comparison there are tolerances built into the measures to account for variability among individuals. It is also important to note that behavior that is showing up in only one setting (such as at home but not school, or school but not after care, or at school but nowhere else) is not likely to be ADHD, it is most probable that something else is going on. These comparisons are done using questionnaires constructed specifically to evaluate children for a select number of disorders, including ADHD. It is also widely accepted that children less than elementary school age should not be diagnosed with ADHD as the symptoms of ADHD and toddlerhood are too similar.

So the question of whether it is boy behavior or ADHD can really only be answered with a thorough evaluation. If you choose to ask your pediatrician about the issue, make sure he or she is familiar with the guidelines established by the American Academy of Pediatrics for diagnosing ADHD. This will demonstrate that at least they have some awareness of the complexity of diagnosing ADHD and will not be in a hurry to prescribe medication. Recognize that you son is going to active and distractible unless actively enganged in an activity. Don’t expect him to sit quietly and play without movement or noise. This is just not the way boys are. However, if his distractibility or activity seems to be excessive, make sure that you get a good assessment.

Needing more information about ADHD? A more detailed and complete article on this important issue of boys and ADHD can be read at Boys Behavior, a web page dedicated to Boys and Their Unique Behavior http://boysbehavior.thehomeschoolorganizer.com

Problems associated with ADD

There are many conditions that co-exist with ADD /ADHD such as dyslexia and other learning difficulties, OCD, ODD, and so on.

Beware of lumping in other problems that often
occur in children with ADHD – including depression, anxiety
and learning difficulties – under the single diagnosis of ADHD.

Experts are getting better at understanding the
differences between learning disabilities and ADHD.
Sometimes they can overlap and that can be tricky and
complicated to dissect.

ADHD is different for every child. It’s important to
understand which problems are truly part of ADHD and which
are not, so that each problem can be dealt with appropriately

How Do You Integrate Your ADD /ADHD Child Successfully Into The Family Unit.

What you need to do is fully integrate the child into the
family and make them feel a part of the larger unit. Use
routines and give clear rules: explain how you expect your child
to behave in situations and teach him what to do when he feels
he’s heading for trouble.

1. Watch for trigger behaviors and step in to avert the
problem before it starts.

2. Negotiate rules with older children.

3. Criticize the behavior, not the child. Instead of: ‘You’re so spaced-out, it drives me crazy,’ say ‘It makes me unhappy
when you forget things.'

4. Get everyone to cool off. Don’t escalate arguments or
inflame them.

5. When boundaries are broken, make other family members
realize it isn’t personal.

6. Try to stay positive. Avoid sounding disappointed in your
child, which will lead to low self-esteem, and praise,
praise, praise good behavior - for siblings, too.

7. Make sure relatives and friends understand it’s important
for your child to feel accepted by them. 

Older relatives
may have less patience with a busy child, in which case it
can help to make visits short and sweet.

Dealing with critical family members

 Some friends and relatives don’t
believe ADHD exists. They think your child is deliberately
naughty and you are a bad parent - they will often say your
child just needs a good smack.

Friends and relatives may feel they know everything
about ADHD because they’ve read it in the paper or seen it on
TV. So they’ll berate you for not trying an exclusion diet, not
giving your child dietary supplements or not trying
complementary treatments for ADHD.

They can blame you for putting your child on medication -
or not putting your child on medication, depending on their

Educate them, if they’re open-minded enough to listen.
Some people can see comprehensive reports by an expert, but
will still claim the expert doesn’t know what she is talking

If this is the case, you can simply smile politely, thank
them for their advice and explain that you’re following your
doctor’s advice. A second option is to just ignore them - and
punch a cushion when you get home.

You may find that some friends decide to drop you
because they can’t deal with your child’s behavior. This is
hurtful but remember: it’s their problem, not yours or your
child’s. True friends will try to understand and help. A friend
who drops you isn’t worth worrying about.

When you are parenting a child with ADHD, there are
special considerations that need to be addressed – whether you
want them to be or not.

Parenting The ADD Child: Pick Your Battles wisely

Remember to pick your battles. We can’t stress this part
seriously enough. Look at what’s really important – what will
matter five years down the road – and choose to address those


Some Quick Rule Setting Advice For the ADD / ADHD Child

For children with ADHD, it's better to praise the good
behavior (i.e. the one you want to see more of) and ignore the
bad behavior as much as you can. Negotiate rules with older
children so they'll have a say in what happens.