
4 Ways to Help Your Child With ADD

No matter what treatment option you choose, here are some tips that will benefit ALL kids with ADD:

1. A regular daily routine- bath time, mealtimes, bedtimes, homework time and so on happening at the same time each day. This repetition and familiarity helps a child remember what needs to be done when.

2."A Place for everything and everything in it's place" is a good motto for someone with ADD. Help your child get organized and stay organized.

3. Having a homework diary helps the child with ADD to remember what homework needs to be done as well as what assignments and other school events he may need to prepare for.

4. In the classroom, a teacher who invites interaction with the ADD pupil will find that he understands and retains the material far better than if she had just delivered a lecture.

And most of all, don't loose hope. Educate yourself about ADD and learn all you can about managing it as well as possible, then teach these coping skills to your child, and he is sure to thrive.