
How can behavior modification help my child with attention deficit disorder.

What steps can you take in behavior modification to
minimize the symptoms of ADHD? The answer is – SO MUCH!
The basic principles of treatment – for adults and children
both – are:

  • Structure
  • lifestyle changes
  • finding and developing talent.
There is a lot of focus on the medication, but you build a life on
identifying your talent and pursuing it.

Start by helping children find and develop their talents.
That is very important and is often overlooked. What happens
is people look for what’s wrong and how to re-mediate the

And so, the child is given the message that he’s a
walking defect. What builds a sense of confidence and joy in
life is helping a child find something that he or she is good at
What many people who suffer from ADHD lack is structure.

Planning out the steps it takes to accomplish daily tasks – for
instance, getting ready for school or completing homework –
lets everyone know what expectations are.

With many kids, you can take each day as it comes and
there may not be a huge amount of structure. But that’s really
hard for these kids. You can get in a tug-of-war over that and
have a lot of frustration.

When it comes to instruction, keep it brief and to the
point. An ADHD child’s attention will drift if instructions for
anything are too long and rambling. For both parents and
teachers, this means it’s best to break down tasks into little