
Parenting The ADD Child: Maintaining Your Sanity

Make sure you keep everything in perspective. Well,
maybe not everything. That might be impossible, but you at
least have to have perspective when it comes to your child and his/her ADD/ADHD.

Dealing with an ADHD child is no joke. You may find yourself frustrated, enraged, and
embarrassed. However, you must remember at all times that
you are the adults and cannot afford to lose control.

If both parent and child were to lose their cool, the situation would
deteriorate rapidly. It helps to remember that ADHD children are victims of a
disorder and often cannot help the way they behave.

When your child seems to be pushing your buttons, do whatever it takes to regain control. Count to 10 (or 100 if need be), take deep, calming breaths etc.

And have an action plan in place to deal with your child's misbehavior when it occurs, whether it be time out, removal of privileges or whatever else you have decided on.

For more information and advice:
Parenting the ADD Child