
Parenting Your ADD Child: Trusting Your Instincts and labelling.

With an ADD Child, you are surrounded by 'experts' that are telling you what is best for your child. Real experts , and those 'self-appointed know-it-all's' who are only too eager to pass on their 'pearls' of parenting wisdom.

Remember that you are the expert on your child. ADHD is
just one of those controversial subjects that everybody and his
brother has an opinion on. Tune out those that are uninformed.

Trusting your instincts and keeping open communication
with your child about how he’s doing and really being
observant is invaluable because you’re really a case manager.

Stay away from labeling. Remember that you have to
look at the whole child – he’s got his own temperament, his
own talents and interests. It’s easy to let the label overshadow